1. A Quick Example
Three files are recommended to simplify the process.
- File 1: Do a list of the processes you need
- File 2: Intermediate file to pass the bash argument and start python (may not be needed if python3 is called directly from File 1.
- File 3: Your python code. Take advantage of the input arguments passed in the batch.
See a template code below for each file.
-File 1: Submit.sh
module load python/3.9
source opensees/bin/activate
# srun would send individual jobs (Upto1000jobs?). Use 1 CPU each.
forSFin1.0; do
# sed "s/FILENAME/$filename/" template.sh > $filename\.sh
sbatch template.sh "opt11"$Model$gmID$SF;
-File 2: template.sh
# Run job
# $@ refers to all the arguments
python3 RunFromCluster.py $@
-File 3: RunFromCluster.py
# You are in python now :)
import openseespy.opensees as ops
import os, sys
import time
import itertools
# input arguments
Arg1 = sys.argv[1]
Arg2 = sys.argv[2]
# your python code
# You are welcome